To set people free...
To set people free...
Hi and thanks for reading,
I'm Liz and I'm an Advanced Meridian Energy Therapist with over 15 years experience using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT or tapping) to help people make positive changes in their lives. I am passionate about EFT and energy therapies and truly believe that working with energy is the bridge between talk therapies and fully integrated healing. Having delivered Breakthrough Therapy as a pilot project for Leicester City Council some years ago, I took the decision to move to a private client base and now divide my time between seeing clients in their own home or at Eastgates Complementary Health Centre in the heart of Leicester City Centre. I also work in a local college of further education providing pastoral support to students.
My approach is one of compassion and caring towards you whilst supporting you to overcome the difficulties you are experiencing. Whatever approaches we use, the aim is to restore balance and wellbeing to your energy system so you can cope more easily with everyday life.
As you are reading this, you have taken the first step towards healing.
Please take a look around my site to find out more about how I can help.
Liz Bown, M.GoE
HPD, Dip.H., Dip.NLP, Cert.S.M.
I will work with you in a warm, friendly and safe way enabling us to explore any issues at your pace. EFT is about returning the mind, body and spirit (feelings or energy) to a state of balance and harmony so we are not limited by negative emotions or behaviours. EFT tapping effectively forms the bridge between talk therapies and emotional wellbeing. EFT regularly results in an improvement in physical symptoms too. It is a simple yet powerful therapeutic tool that uses words to tune into an emotional disturbance which is then balanced and cleared using light tapping on acupressure points. The results are surprisingly quick and lasting.
How do you do EFT?
The method involves “tuning into” the issue and then tapping on specific acupressure points with your fingers. For example, if you still carry sadness over a situation or event from the past, you would be asked to rate the level of sadness you feel as you recall that event, and notice how you feel. But you do not have to relive past events. You just have to be aware that the negative feeling is there. Having therefore “tuned in” to it, I show you which acupressure points to tap, and what words to say as you do so. Having done that, you are then asked to think about the person or situation again and check how you feel. Typically, you will notice a significant improvement in the intensity of the feeling after a few rounds of tapping. If it’s not completely gone then we repeat the process, bringing the intensity down each time until full balance is restored.
I will guide you throughout the process during which you can expect:
Alongside EFT, I hold qualifications in hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming and stress management enabling me to use a blended approach where needed. Feel Better Faster with EFT.
Going through very stressful, frightening or distressing events is sometimes called trauma. When we talk about emotional or psychological trauma, we might mean situations or events we find traumatic or how we're affected by our experiences.
Traumatic events can happen at any age and can cause long-lasting harm. Everyone has a different reaction to trauma, so you might notice any effects quickly, or a long time afterwards. Some people who experience severe traumas might experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder including flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, severe anxiety, hyper-vigilance, sleep disturbance, physical aggression, and poor concentration. These symptoms are associated with deterioration in health, relationships and job performance as well as efforts to avoid thoughts, memories, people or situations.
Trauma can include events where you feel frightened, under threat, humiliated, rejected, abandoned, invalidated, unsafe, unsupported, trapped, ashamed, powerless.
Many talk therapies usefully generate insight into the trauma but no matter how much insight a person gains, talk alone is not always good at relieving the mental (and often physical) pain which stems from trauma. Trauma often remains locked in the emotional part of the brain, which words can't reach. Part of the EFT process can involve some side to side eye movements, also known as EMDR, which establishes a connection between left and right brain enabling the processing of traumatic experiences resulting in associated feelings being released from the body's energy system. Whilst working on past Events, we may use a range of energy approaches including Matrix Reimprinting, Events tapping or Positive Energy tapping. Working with these effective energy modalities changes our relationship to our past, changes how we hold things in our minds and affects our emotional and physical health in the present.
Problem emotions that link to or remain in the body's energy system after a trauma or event can be safely released using EFT with a practitioner.
Feel Better Faster - contact me today!
Anxiety is what we feel when we are worried, tense or afraid – particularly about things that are about to happen, or which we think could happen in the future. Anxiety is a natural human response when we perceive that we are under threat. It can be experienced through our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations.
Most people feel anxious at times. It's particularly common to experience some anxiety while coping with stressful events or changes, especially if they could have a big impact on your life.
Anxiety can become a mental health problem if it impacts on your ability to live your life as fully as you want to. For example, it may be a problem for you if:
What is a panic attack?
Panic attacks are a type of fear response. They're an exaggeration of your body's normal response to danger, stress or excitement.
During a panic attack, physical symptoms can build up very quickly. These can include:
Anxiety is happening within our body's energy system. EFT works directly on the body's energy system by tuning into the negative emotion and tapping on meridian acupressure points to release the related emotion. Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, identifies "the cause of all negative emotions is a disturbance in the body's energy system".
I can help you to uncover the negative emotion that is causing your anxiety and support you to release the associated feelings in a subtle yet effective way.
Feel Better Faster - contact me today!
Symptoms of a general low mood may include feeling sad, anxious or panicky, more tired than usual or being unable to sleep, angry or frustrated or being low on confidence or self-esteem.
A low mood often gets better after a few days or weeks.
It's usually possible to improve a low mood by making small changes in your life. For example, resolving something that's bothering you or getting more sleep.
Symptoms of depression may include not getting any enjoyment out of life, feeling hopeless, not being able to concentrate on everyday things, having suicidal thoughts or thoughts about harming yourself.
Through EFT we are able to take an energetic view of depression and see that the body's energy system is depressed. In the human energy system when there is energy coming in, but not enough energy going out - the pressure begins to mount, and the system is becoming literally depressed. Remember, "the cause of ALL negative emotions is a disturbance in the body's energy system." We need to release energy from the depressed system, get energy out so that a flow begins to start up again and some movement returns. Traumas and events can link to a person's energy body becoming depressed.
Somewhere in the depressed person's systems is a blockage that is stopping the flow of energy . Using EFT allows us to focus on the emotional blockage that is the original cause for the depression and release the negative energy creating a more balanced energy system. As more energy flows through the body's energy system a person is returned to state of balance and harmony.
It is possible that the depressed energy system has been impacted by an event or trauma and the interpretation of those events lives on in a person's energy matrix whether good or bad interpretations. Immediately following a life changing event or trauma our mind automatically gives it meaning and we may take on negative or limiting beliefs or understandings from the event. For example, you might find that your partner has cheated on you and this might cause you to have a learning event that you are not loveable or that you'll never find love again. These internal messages stay locked in your energy system and, in turn, you project them back out into the universe through your beliefs and behaviours bringing back to you experiences that confirm you are not loveable. It's the basics of the Law of Attraction!
These event learnings are held in our mind and body's energy system often creating blockages to us living full and healthy lives.
EFT can transform negative/limiting beliefs making way for new more resourceful states allowing you to live your life in flow and harmony.
Feel Better Faster - contact me today!
Humans are humans, not machines! The range of human emotions that we experience throughout a single day is vast and all emotions are completely acceptable and essential to our very existence. Occasionally though, we can experience a reoccurring limiting emotion, or emotions, to the point that we are prevented from living a full and healthy life. Remember, "the cause of ALL negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system" . This includes fears, phobias, anger, grief, anxiety, depression, traumatic memories, PTSD, worry, guilt and all limiting emotions in sport, business and the performing arts.
If you are limited by a repetitive negative emotion, EFT can help.
The Western world is catching up with the understanding that emotional health is imperative to physical health. Energy therapists have known this for many years. Until recent years western medical science has tended to focus on the chemical nature of the body and not paid much attention to the subtle yet powerful energy flows known as meridians. As well as affecting our emotional wellbeing, emotional blocks in our energy meridians can lead to poor physical health. When we are not at ease we're open to dis-ease. One of the greatest, if not greatest, causes of ill health in the world today is stress. Most of our physical ailments are at least contributed to by emotional components including stress. When we deal with our emotional issues physical symptoms start to subside particularly where there is 'unexplained pain'. Even where there is mechanical, medically diagnosed physical pain EFT is able to remove the tension out of the joints or muscles bringing about a level of relief (in my experience and non medical opinion.) Negative emotions are a major contributor to pain.
EFT facilitates the release of emotional attachments to pain which in turn contributes to the alleviation of physical discomfort as well.
Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. There are many forms of self-harm ranging from cutting, bruising, self poisoning or self hitting to more the socially acceptable forms of self harm including binge drinking, over exercise, over dieting or other unwanted habits. The drive to self harm is usually a way of coping with or expressing overwhelming emotional distress, stress and dealing with underlying anxieties, nervousness or being on edge. The intention of self harm most often is to punish oneself or relieve unbearable tension. Sometimes it's a mixture of all of the above. Self-harm can also be a cry for help. Self harm is often also linked to past traumas or depression.
EFT helps to reduce the intensity of emotions. So, if you are affected by unwanted emotions, by anger, overwhelm, fear, despair or a feeling of helplessness then using EFT can reduce the strength of those emotions and give you some relief from them.
If you use self harm to get relief from unwanted emotions then EFT can offer you an alternative. Please make contact today.
Complete the Contact Us section below to book or arrange a telephone consultation. Alternatively, telephone Eastgates Complementary Health Centre to book an appointment.
EFT provides impressive results for most people but there is no guarantee it will achieve your goals or be as emotionally painless as it is for others. EFT is not a replacement for any existing medical or psychological interventions that you may be receiving. Please consult with your medical professional before attending for any complementary therapy.
£50 p/h (50% deposit at time of booking)
£200 (50% deposit at time of booking)
April discount 10% off block booking.
15 minute telephone consultation - no charge
This is short term therapy that usually requires between 1-6 sessions, or more, depending on the number of issues you wish to work on.
Single sessions are available to book at a cost of £50 per hour or you can take advantage of a block of 5 sessions at a reduced rate of £200.
10% April discount on a block of 5 sessions.
To book an appointment
or to make an enquiry please use the form below.
Please contact us with any questions.
Stay well.